Email: Hotline: (+84) 912 36 36 76
Industrial Cleaning, Office Cleaning
With the philosophy of BEING IN Harmony with NATURE, MINHANH ECO was born with a pioneering awareness of activities to protect our environment. We have promoted a series of related services to preserve and build a better living and working environment. One of those activities is to develop a service model: Environmental cleaning, industrial cleaning, office cleaning, insect control, rat control, termite control, etc. to serve public works and agencies. , Offices, Buildings, Factories, Enterprises, Schools, Hospitals, Roads, Bridges, Dykes, Farms, Nurseries, etc. With a hard-working and enthusiastic staff coming to Minh Mr. Eco, we will advise, answer and respond most satisfactorily to your questions. Please contact us when you need!
Featured Products & Services
Regular lawn care and maintenance services in the garden include grass trimming, branch pruning, tree shaping, weed removal, ornamental spraying, plant pest and disease inspection, care garden inspection monthly
Control the growth of green vegetation and maintain a green, clean, and beautiful landscape, helping to relieve stress in living and working spaces, creating a feeling of relaxation and comfort when looking at the endless green
With a team of technicians knowledgeable about insects, we guarantee to help you prevent and treat any damage or nuisance caused by insects. We specialize in providing services for restaurants, resorts, hotels, offices, private homes, warehouses, factories, etc.
Specializing in providing industrial cleaning and office cleaning services. Minh Anh serves Public works, Agencies, Offices, Schools, Hospitals, etc. We are ready to advise, answer and respond most satisfactorily
MinhAnh Eco provides customers with professional green lawn planting design and construction services including design consulting, garden construction, care and maintenance of miniature landscapes, rockeries, etc.
Representative Officein Hanoi: No. 76, Vu Xuan Thieu Street, Sai Dong Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi.
Representative Office in Bac Ninh: Thuy Hoa Commune Residential Area, Yen Phong District, Bac Ninh.
Representative Office in Bac Giang: Resettlement area of Van Trung Commune, Viet Yen District, Bac Giang.
Address: No. 76, Vu Xuan Thieu Street, Sai Dong Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Telephone: (+84) 221 6266566
Hotline: (+84) 912 36 36 76
Địa chỉ: No. 76, Vu Xuan Thieu Street, Sai Dong Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
@ Copyright by MINH ANH ECO JSC. Designed by Vietnam Yellow Pages.